Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Jagernaut / Zvarna (Scull Crasher, Studio From The Down, Screaming Victims)

And again I have in my possession the release of pleasant and heartwarming music, music that is played on golden harps and brings peace. Just kidding! Right now I’m going to listen to one of the recent releases of Greek label Scull Crasher!
So here I am listening to the split of two Greek not-so-well-known bands to me, Jagernaut and Zvarna. When I saw a duration of the first track I thought to myself “they play sludge… 1.51 is not a grindcore, hehehe!” But then I realized that everything goes as planned, another 4 tracks 4 minutes long, this is what Jagernaut presents to us here! They say that they perform crust-grind, but my ears tell me that these Greek guys clearly perform grindcore as it is! More American-style grindcore. They have everything – relentlessly evil vocals, noisy guitars and extreme speed! But still one thing that saddens me – I wanted to hear more of it! 
Then we have Zvarna on this split, and that’s a complete opposite situation – not so grindcore stuff, more like crustpunk, very aggressive one! Everyone put your mohawks up and break your bones in the moshpit! As far as I get it, this is the first significant release for this Greek band. Well, I can definitely say, they started pretty good and got it right! They presented 6 tracks, a little more than their friends from Jagernaut, hehe!)
Overall, Greek punk\grind scene becomes more and more attractive. I am sure this split will definitely find its listener throughout a whole army of grindmaniacs, the music here is good! 

Rating: 7,5/10        Jagernaut     Scullcrasher